Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Don't judge a soup by its color!

On Sunday after a fun girls lunch and chick flick I came home to a bunch of celery on my counter and Jackson standing by the juicer. He was a man ready to juice! So we juiced. And juiced. And juiced. It was messy but quite fun. We juiced a bunch of celery, broccoli stalk, some cabbage, onion and a couple large tomatoes. The end result was a liquid that was delicious but resemembled something Shrek would make! We then put the pot on the stove and added brussel sprouts, onions, carrots, pepppers, garlic, butter beans and northern beans. I tossed in a few dried habanero flakes and a little garlic salt. It was delicious and completely full of vegetables. So healthy, so green! But mighty tasty! And now we are officially "juice heads" but not because we use steroids, ha ha! We are testing all new waters and every day is an adventure! So if you have a juicer and you don't care if your soup is green then juice away, add a bunch of chopped veggies and some beans to the veggie broth and have yourself a yummy soup!


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