Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Veggie burgers...full of flavor but short on calories

Wow! Life gets busy and I get further behind in food blogging! We made these a week and a half ago! This is a super simple, super healthy and super delicious meal idea. Jackson bought a box of veggie burgers. And the rest is history!  :)
While J preheated the grill, I prepared the zucchini for our side dish. Then he grilled the burgers and the zucchini while I prepped the toppings for the burgers. We used these thin whole grain "buns". They aren't really buns but they work great. We buy them in bulk then freeze them to use whenever. The grilled zucchini is a fave of mine. Miss Natalie taught me how to do it a few years ago. It is the best! Like I said, Super easy! And you don't have to do veggie burgers. But pile on the veggies. They are good for you and they will help fill you up!

Grilled Zucchini
2 zucchini - cut lengthwise in thirds
Olive Oil - I misted mine with a mister
Seasoning - We used this Hawaiian sea salt combo that my in-laws brought us back from Hawaii

After cutting the zucchini take the dull side of a knife and lightly score the zucchini in a zig zag pattern. Don't cut it though. Then mist with the olive oil on the fleshy side and season. Grill for a couple of minutes and you have yourself a delightful side dish!

Veggie Burgers
Veggie Burger Patties
Romaine Lettuce - cut in burger size pieces
Onion - sliced
Tomato - sliced
Jalapeno - sliced
Cucumber - sliced (It is wrapped in a paper towel as to not contaminate the other veggies due to Jackson detesting cucumber!)
Sauce - Frank's red hot sauce, fat free mayo and a little horseradish

Grill the burgers and then top with all the toppings and place on a whole grain bun. Yummy!!! I am hungry now. Better go eat a grapefruit or something for breakfast! 

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